Fixed a bug that allowed it to be affected by cooldown reduction. Cooldown reduced to 105 seconds from 120 seconds.
Magic resistance increased to 56 from 48.Cooldown reduced to 90 from 105 seconds.Adjusted Quicksilver Sash's cooldown to properly reflect the tooltip.Combine gold cost increased to 900 from 700.Used in new item recipe: Mercurial Scimitar.Replaced Negatron Cloak in recipe with Null-Magic Mantle.Total cost increased to 1300 from 1250.Combine cost increased to 850 from 750.Unique Active - Quicksilver now only cleanses Crowd control debuffs.Active no longer removes airborne effects.
The only exception is Blitzcrank's Overdrive and Quinn's Behind Enemy Lines.
Quicksilver will not remove self slows. 5-second cooldown for Zhonya's Hourglass or Stopwatch. Despite the fact that it cannot be cleansed, Quicksilver is put on a 3-second static cooldown while affected by Bard's Tempered Fate and put on a 0. Some examples include the tether from Malzahar's Nether Grasp, the on-hit attacks from Warwick's Infinite Duress, and the damage reduction from Exhaust. Quicksilver does not remove any accompanying, persistent effects that occur with crowd control from an enemy ability unless otherwise stated. Cleanse grants a Tenacity buff while Quicksilver does not (only Silvermere Dawn's variation of the active effect does). Cleanse removes summoner spell debuffs while Quicksilver does not. Quicksilver removes suppression (including Realm of Death) and nearsight while Cleanse does not. Quicksilver has a very similar effect to Cleanse, but there are some differences:. Suspension will be fully removed by Quicksilver. Quicksilver is disabled during Airborne effects. Quicksilver's cooldown does not transfer between items that have its active effect. Quicksilver's cast does not break stealth. Quicksilver is an auto-targeted effect. There's some good moments, and it's still entertaining for the most part. The story tends to drag at points and, given the shifting genres at point (probably done so to pick up the pace), I'd recommend this for those who don't mind trying out obscure movies, especially ones that serve up extra helpings of an 80s nostalgia trip (and you would probably have to be, since you've found the page for it). WUICK SILVER SCREEN MOVIE
And from this, you get one or two action sequences, to breakup the mundane dramatic lull of the rest of the movie which includes the awkward romance between Jack and another bike messenger/nomad (who is also running from her past), Terri (Jami Gertz). That is, when Jack, in trying to save his friend, Voodoo (Larry Fishburne) from a sleazy drug dealer that he gets mixed up with, Jack eventually becomes the target of the dealer. However, most of the movie transpires on dramatic fluff until we actually get to the good part of the story. He's left everyone wondering whether Jack Casey is ready for a comeback. Absconding from the scene like an athlete who's no long in his prime, he takes a job as a bicycle messenger. This is the story of a highly acclaimed stock broker (Kevin Bacon as "Jack Casey") who loses everything in the crash. 'Quicksilver' is not a bad start at what could've been a much better movie, if only they hadn't substituted an awkward love story for good suspense.